Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Month of One

My baby's first birthday is coming up in just a week, and I can't believe it. When I first found out I was pregnant, I never in a million years would have thought that anyone would say to me, "the first year will go by in a flash" – perhaps because, as much as you hear people say "it all goes by so fast," most parents make the initial few newborn months sound interminable (and joy-filled, of course. Just... interminable first. Then joy-filled).

Today was a friend's baby's first birthday party, and the cupcakes, decor, and music were all big hits with the under-3 set. When we arrived at the party, I talked briefly with my friend about how just a year ago we were in the hospital giving birth. She sounded remotely nostalgic, if you can say that about labor, and though I nodded my head, I didn't say out loud what I was really thinking—that what I remember most about our stay at the hospital was that obnoxious and incredibly tight band they wrap around your already ridiculously stretched and contracting midsection that pretty much makes what-might-have-been-bearable-pain-sans-epidural nearly impossible to endure. That band was most definitely designed by someone who has never been in labor. Probably a man.

In all seriousness, I do have fond memories of the hospital where wee one was born—most of them memories from after his birth, once everything had gone relatively smoothly and I had an actual baby to show for my efforts. The truth, however, is that labor and giving birth still feels a bit like a movie that happened to someone else, not me. Even the first moments of seeing my baby and holding him... I have to look back at the photos to confirm that it was really him, the baby I now know and love and adore. Oh, I'll say to myself as I look at those pictures from his first day and recognize his little frown-y face (the one he still makes when he's mad), that was you. I'll then smile to myself. We didn't really know each other then, but we do now. Oh, yes. We do now.

PHOTO CAPTION: First birthdays (we've had two in a row now, so I've done my research) seem to include one or more of the following: a) cupcakes—homemade at both parties. Double impressive! b) cute little cakes for the babies to smash and c) parents who look ecstatic, yet frankly surprised they made it this far. The party today was totally adorbs. Ours might not be quite so put-together, given that we still need to find some basics like, ahem, a table. Wish us luck.

PHOTO CAPTION 2: Don't those cupcakes looks divine? They tasted even better. I wish I had one right now.

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