Friday, February 8, 2013

It's Official

Ethan and I both went to bed at 10:15 last night. And I didn't even have to forcibly tuck him under the covers and shut the lights off or handcuff him to the bed or drug him.* We were both, well, tired. And so I think it's official: we are capable of organically going to bed earlier. And I say "organic" because I mean that it just happens (not every night, but some nights) without either of us even talking about it like it's some big thing. Not a big thing? I think that means it just is.**

I'm really looking forward to the weekend because we have a bunch of one-year-old birthday parties, which you can never get enough of, and we have Leo's "gym" class, which he can never get enough of.

Happy weekends, everyone!



*Why would I have handcuffs or drugs? I don't have handcuffs or drugs.

**Two years ago? We would have patted ourselves on our backs for "going to bed so freaking early"! Now? It's just survival.

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