Friday, October 19, 2012

Boys Vs. Girls

I'm the mom of a baby boy. Wild as a bear cub, feisty as a ferret, he's frustrated when we entreat him to "play quietly," and downright mad when asked to stay put in his high chair/car seat/your lap without adequate entertainment. (His favorite toy of late? This rocktivity guitar, possibly THE BEST TOY EVER KNOWN TO MANKIND. Second favorite? A piece of paper. Go figure).

Cherubic face and heartstoppingly cute laugh aside, my baby is a wild man. He will fight, squirm, wriggle, twist and kick those chubby little legs like crazy if I even look like I might be considering restraining him. Diaper changes are legendary. Yet, I see other babies out there — calm babies — who appear to sit happily chewing a shoe for an hour, never moving more than an inch or so. Those parents look slightly more rested. Those parents look (slightly) more at peace.* And so, I ask the more experienced parents out there: is this a boy thing? Or just a baby thing?

*Peace isn't all it's cracked up to be.


  1. I have two babies right now and I can tell you, even though I do the same things with them and they have access to the exact same environment, they're just totally different little people. And they have been since they were born. One (Ty) is a total monkey, will not sit still, would rather climb and cruise than play with any toy for more than 5 seconds. We call the other one (Sam) our lion, he is happy to bang dog food bowls together or try to pull out the nightlight for a long time on his own (but man he does roar when he gets mad). Sounds like Leo, despite his name, is a monkey!

  2. Very interesting, Autumn! I think Leo may be a cross between the two, since he loves to climb and squirm but has his night light moments as well :)
