Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Life is One Big Goal

A quick post for a busy day. Here's the deal: my life feels like one giant goal right now, or at least a lot of really tiny ones that all add up to one bjorkudden one (you're right, bjorkudden is actually a piece of Ikea furniture, not an adjective that means "big." But it's fun to use in a sentence, no?)

Goal One: run (let's be real—jog) off that poochy stomach. After losing the baby weight, eating healthfully, and doing a moderate amount of elliptical, I'm convinced it's going to take some real effort (and pounding the pavement) to really ditch the pooch. But it's also going to take a while to see results, especially at the rate I'm going. Let's just say, baby steps. Literally.

Goal Two: Write. My time is more precious and limited than ever, so I've gotta do this in fits and spurts. It's not a question of "if"—it's too important to me—but the questions of "how" and "when" loom every single day.

Goal Three: Get all that housework-slash-cooking-slash-childcare-slash-broken faucet stuff taken care of. The daily slog. We've all got it. It never ends. Let's not dwell on this one lest we get too depressed.

Goal Four: be a (good/engaged/animated/thoughtful) parent. This is the only goal that actually doesn't feel like one I'd rather fast forward a year to see the result. I wish time would stand still. Baby's already a year old, and that seems like too much. Stay little. Stay cute! (Just stop eating the furniture. That would be okay).

PHOTO CAPTION: Let them eat (smash) cake.

Question for you—HOW do you get it all done? I'd love to know.


  1. I've drastically reduced what "all" I have to get done. Housework has practically gone out the window (except laundry. dear me, the neverending laundry!). So for now, my "all" is work + time with the boys + time with the hubs + time with my mom / friends + time for me (exercise, hobbies, reading...). In approximately that order, unfortunately, but I'm working on it.

    1. Thanks for the insight, Autumn! This was exactly my order when I was working full full-time (with the added goal of "writing," though that rarely got done because there just weren't enough hours in the day). Now it's a little more skewed towards childcare and chores (the former being lovely, the latter being not so much :) But I also have more time now to write, which was really important to me career-wise. The biggest thing I've noticed is that, as a parent, I a) multitask WAY more and b) have cut out most of the things I did that were enjoyable but time sucks and c) I appreciate those enjoyable things a lot more now! Sit me down with a glass of wine and a book or TV show and it's DIVINE! (I don't even need the book or TV show. Just the wine is enough :)
