Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween + Giants Parade = more orange than I have ever seen in my life

A quick post today because we are attempting to take Leo to the Giants World Series parade (Daddy's idea, for the record!) then trick-or-treating at 5. I realize this is probably the last Halloween that's more for us than for him (he still has no idea what's going on and isn't allowed to eat the candy, anyway — BUT WE ARE!). I've heard from parents with older kids that Halloween stretches out for the entire month of October once the kiddies are bigger, which is either cute or truly horror-inducing.

Ethan informed me last night that I definitely need a costume, which I'm usually into but let's face it, costumes (along with Pilates and movies-in-actual-theaters) are the first things to go when you have a baby at home. Ethan has a thing for repeating the same costumes year after year — he's gone as a construction worker like five or thirteen times (a few years back he added a Hazmat jacket to mix things up. In case anyone was paying attention). This year he said he would go as Crazy Tea-bag man which is apparently some old-school Adam Sandler sketch that did not even sound remotely funny to me last night at 11pm (sorry, babe).

Tired as I was, I experienced a burst of late-night energy when I had the brilliant* idea to go as Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games, since my hair is really long right now (not on purpose but because I have failed week after week to make an appointment for a haircut), and I became dorkily excited about putting it in a side braid and throwing on my black combat boots. As I started googling "Katniss Halloween costume," I discovered that it is not only not a genius idea at all, it is literally the "it" Halloween costume this year, meaning there are thousands (maybe millions) of people braiding their hair at this very moment and proving to the world that I am not creative or original in the slightest.**

I hope everyone's having great Halloweens (and East Coasters, staying warm, safe, and dry).


*not at all.
**I still plan to go as Katniss.

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