Thursday, November 1, 2012


I realized as I was looking at yesterday's post that I had said it would be brief, and then it was anything but. So this one will be.* Halloween was a wonderful, chaotic trip. This is true of many, many things once you become a parent – and it sounds utterly cliche — but it's amazing to look at a seemingly mundane or been-there-done-that holiday (like Halloween) or an activity (swings!) through the eyes of your child. Our little frog had no clue what was up, but he "walked" all over the place, trick-or-treated for the first time (he put the candy back — could it be? Do we have a non-sugar-lover on our hands? Wishful thinking), and just generally enjoyed being alive, which is mostly what he does all the time anyway.

We were lucky to be in the company of some other adorable animals, like a fox, a dragon and a lion. The costume award, however, goes to my friends who dressed their cutie as a shark. Hello, irony much? I love it.

Hope everyone is coming off of their sugar highs in the aftermath of All Hallow's Eve. And, on a serious note, I hope everyone on the East Coast is staying sane and safe in the wake of this devastating storm.

PHOTO CAPTION: I can walk. And I'm a frog. Daddy, what's a frog?

PHOTO CAPTION 2: My Katniss costume was an epic fail. My friends only knew what I was because of yesterday's blog post. When I pointed out, "look -- combat boots!" or "Look, an army jacket!" they just said, "but those are your boots. And your army jacket. You look like... you." Ah, well.

*Egads! What is wrong with me? This post is long, too. Stop me. Please.

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