Monday, November 26, 2012

Post Thanksgiving Wrap-up

How were your Thanksgivings?! Did you eat so much pie you felt sicker than a dog afterwards? (I actually managed — uncharacteristically — to not overeat this Turkey Day, thanks to my one-year-old who kept me so busy during the dinner, I didn't have time to get seconds). Note to self: babies don't like long meals. They're more the in-and-out types. It's amazing to think about how quickly Thanksgiving dinner could get eaten if everyone had an under-two-year-old with them. You could scarf down that stuffing in about 80 seconds flat and call it a night.

The long weekend was exhausting but a lot of fun, and I finally jumped on the Instagram bandwagon and took the above pics during a stint around Bernal Hill with Leo in the jogging stroller. There are these super-neato mazes made of rocks that we stopped and looked at, along with a bunch of other families. Leo started messing with a little girl's creation, and I had one of those parenting choke moments when I didn't know whether to apologize and put the rock back where she wanted it, pick up Leo and drag him off, or simply explain to her that he was just checking out her maze and that we wouldn't *ruin* it (she kept using the word ruin over and over, as in "he's ruining it! he's ruining it!". Her mom looked on silently but didn't give me an indication of whether or not she, too, thought my baby was ruining the creation. Is there a mom code for this kind of stuff? How do you know when the other parent is pissed that your kid is screwing with their kid's random rock art, or when they're just thinking about Breaking Bad? Help!)

PHOTO CAPTION: Instagram makes your snapshots look vintage-y cool. Yeah, you already knew that.


  1. HA -- you are exactly right, I didn't link trying to feed two squirmy one-year-olds with my own underindulgence this year, but that's it! We took a break during our meal and then came back for dessert and Sam and Ty were like, "really, you want me to get back in that high chair I was just strapped into for 45 minutes? I don't think so."

  2. Underindulgence - love it! Leo's high chair that clips onto the table didn't work on the table where we went for Thanksgiving, so he had to be held on our laps. Needless to say, it was a very squirmy meal.
