Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Elusive Transfer

Every day, after I pick up Leo from his nanny share, I race home to get back, give him his bottle, and deposit him in his crib BEFORE he can have a chance to fall asleep in the car. If he does (fall sleep en route), it's disaster, since the odds of me being able to transfer him from car seat to crib with any success are very, very slim. And the idea that he'll only sleep twenty minutes in the car, and NOT AT ALL in his crib (leaving me with no time to rest, pay a bill, or work) is a scary one, indeed.

When Leo was a newborn, it was a different story. We could often do this (and carefully timed and executed "transfers" were a part of our everyday vernacular), but now, they just don't happen, unless it's late at night and dark out, in which case we can transfer him (during road trips, etc) no problem.

What is it with babies only being able to sleep in perfect conditions? I CAN SLEEP ANYWHERE, ANY TIME. LIKE IN CARS. ON COUCHES. ON THE FLOOR. IN SPAIN. DURING WORK. DURING CLASS. Why can't my baby?!

PHOTO CAPTION: That's "The Friend." We put him in Leo's crib to make him feel at home, and we often hear ourselves saying things like, "Look, your friend!" Suffice it to say, Leo cares not a whit about The Friend. It could be a piece of rubber. He'd probably like that more.

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