Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Few Things

I don't think I've ever been this excited for an election to be over. This darn thing has been so stressful, for everybody, that I've been anticipating it like I anticipated labor: with dread, with hope, and with a strong desire for meds.

A few other things:

1) We are trying out the Honest Diapers (pictured above —for the record, that's *not* my baby's butt, okay it is). We like them so far. Adorbs hipster patterns + biodegradable is starting to equal worth the extra 10-20 bucks per month in my mind. We may become converts.

2) Anyone else starting to feel anxious for their babe to eat like a real person? I am trying to get Baby away from the baby food jars, pouches, et al and move towards actual food. Yesterday, Leo tried a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He seemed to approve of it, until he didn't and threw it on the ground (luckily, we were in the lovely outdoor parking lot at Whole Foods where somebody's dog quickly devoured it).

3) Is it okay if Baby insists on drinking his bottle standing up before bedtime and naps? Is this rebellion I should put a stop to? Or if he's drinking, should I just go with it?

That's all. Happy Election Day (slash not).



  1. We've been doing mostly "real food" for a while now. It makes life easier, if messy. Now if only they could master feeding themselves with a spoon, instead of just rubbing yogurt all over their faces/ hair/ outfits... Re: the bottle standing up -- I'm trying to implement a "you must sit on your bottom like a big boy when you drink your bottle" because they like to crawl and squirm and generally shake and spill milk everywhere nowadays instead of guzzling quietly like they used to. We're working on getting rid of the bottles altogether, which I think they're just kind of over.

    Those diapers are really stinkin' cute (as is your baby's bum!).

  2. Aw, thanks! Yeah -- same with us with the bottles. Last night I gave up and just let him drink standing up... sigh. We are working on the big boy food, too. I can't wait until we can eventually all eat dinner together, like at the same time... if we can ever get our schedules coordinated that way :)
