Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Weekend Routine

This is a special weekend post about, well, the weekend. It seemed fitting. It's not that profound. Just go with it.

Most parents I talk to seem to agree that weekends are more exhausting than the weekdays, and let's face it — Saturdays and Sundays are these long, undefined spans of time with less routine, more "free periods," and lots of social activities that probably end up making you far more tired than actual work. (Not to mention later nights out that you inevitably regret, especially that second* margarita).

It's safe to say that for me, two nights "out" is far too much, so maybe I'm officially an old lady, but I really need to go to bed early on Friday night if I'm going to stay up on Saturday past 11 (yes, people, that's late when you're a parent. I hope I'm not scaring the non-parents. It's not that you can't stay out even later. It's just that when your kid rises with the sun the next morning, those amazing friends, that amazing food and the even more amazing conversation WILL NOT HAVE BEEN WORTH IT.)

We've had a great weekend so far — Leo went to baby sign language class, and before we got there, I jokingly said to Ethan, "What if all the other babies are calm, and Leo's the only one tearing up the room?" Turns out... all the other babies were calm and he was the only one tearing up the room. To be fair, he was far older than the other babies who were still discovering their feet. Since he toddles now, I guess he's really a toddler, and toddle he did in the center of the room while he went wild with a box of toys that kept him entertained for the entire 90 minutes. We also learned how to sign "milk" and "eat,"** so I'm thinking those might come in pretty handy before he learns actual speech. 

What is your weekend routine? Are you stay-at-home types? Adventurers? How do you balance your weekend activities with the all-important nap?

**As well as the extremely useful "balloon" and "dinosaur."

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