Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Music, and More

I'm a little behind today (what's new?) because I fell asleep last night not feeling so great and, though I woke up feeling better than I thought I would (I was imagining myself in a SARS type of situation), I still felt kind of ick. So I gave myself a (small) pass to take a nap this morning instead of hitting the ground running. I feel like every once and a while, I just have one of these days where I can't keep the hamster wheel turning. Wake up with the sun (and The Bear), get him (and myself) washed, dressed, fed, out the door. Get email checked, chores completed, writing accomplished, groceries bought, exercise...exercised, etc, etc. By the time 9:30pm rolls around, I'm near the end of my proverbial rope. Then I rush myself into bed so that I don't wake up even more tired the next day. Sound familiar?!

I did manage to take a short run yesterday which was lovely on several accounts. It was a gorgeous sunny day in San Francisco and I took a couple of snapshots of my hood and reminded myself that I'm a lucky, lucky gal to live in such a striking city. Then I took Leo to his first ever "Music Together" class, which was super fun for me, but Leo looked like he had literally been deposited in the greatest place on the planet. He seriously adored every second of it. His expression (see photo above) was one of rapt attention FOR FORTY-FIVE MINUTES. Needless to say, that's kind of unheard of. He just sat there staring at the guitar-playing teacher like he was a god (a god who makes "moo" noises and clucks like a chicken). It was truly mind-bending.

Until tomorrow!

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