Thursday, November 29, 2012

Goodnight, Playground.

Do your little ones have a favorite playground, rec center, or pub? (Kidding. Okay Leo loves Zeitgeist. They have 48 different milks on tap). In all seriousness: the playground pictured above might not be Leo's fave, but it's definitely mine. There's sand, but only in the contained sandbox (why does this matter? Because some days, I just don't want to have to bathe him after we play. So I steer clear of said box.) In addition: it's got tons of great stuff for little kiddies, and there are rarely bigger kiddies to mow the little kiddies down. Add in spongey floors and small plastic slides, and it's love at first play.*

This is going to be a short week for me here at Mommyproof because I am treating tomorrow (Friday!) like a vacation. I hope you all have great weekends, but before you go – check out this truly brilliant adaptation of Goodnight Moon.** Read it while sipping an artisanal coffee. And maybe throw in a sustainable scone. You won't regret it.


*Can I seriously, seriously ask something, and I hope all of you civic-minded people are listening? Why, oh why don't all playgrounds have lights that can pop on once it gets dark? I get that we don't want vagrants and the cast of Oliver there at all hours. But 5:30? On a winter weekday? I don't know about you, but I am not ready to take my wee one home just yet. Lights. One extra hour. I'll pay!

**Leo's most favorite-est book. We've had to keep it going by creating an extended version. This has included "Goodnight Obama, and goodnight Mama. Goodnight Mommy, and goodnight Romney." Ethan also said something about "goodnight snails," but that was weird.


  1. I'm impressed Leo will sit still long enough to even have a favorite book. We get through about three board book pages and I have two kids crawling all over the place and it's just me reading to myself. I'm hoping maybe they still absorb it by hearing it even though they're on to the next thing? Also our favorite (and only nearby) playground has mulch, which I spend our whole time there trying to prevent them from eating. Not sure if that's better / worse than sand.

  2. Autumn, this literally happened about two weeks ago (that he started paying attention and having a "favorite" book) so who knows, any day they may surprise you! (And he really only sits for goodnight moon and the very hungry caterpillar, but that's because he likes to eat the pop-up pages :)

  3. My friend just sent me the Goodnight Moon link...damn I wish I had written that-brillant. In Madrid, our playgrounds have lights at night. Makes since...if you're gonna eat dinner at 10:30 and put your baby down at 11 pm--a little night time play is necessary.

    I hear you on the heart sinks a little every time he heads to that part of the park. I'm thinking of it all over my floors later.

  4. I know, wasn't it amazing? Yeah, they need lights here. I mean no kid wants to go home at 5:30!
