Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Milk Trick

The funniest thing happened this week. Leo finally caught on to the sign for "milk" (squeezing your hand like you're milking a cow, of course — isn't American Sign Language pleasantly straightforward?!) and started doing it with both hands. The only problem? He thinks it's a game or a neat-o trick, like clapping or waving. He starts "milking" over and over again, cracking up as he does it (probably because we get so unnecessarily excited to see him do it)... but I don't think he wants milk at all. In fact, I'm not sure that he really knows that it means milk. I think he knows it means "milk," the word — but not the white liquid gold that comes out of his bottle. Or maybe he does know, and this is just a little joke he's playing on us. I wouldn't put it past him.

Have you taught your little ones sign language? How'd it go?

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