Monday, January 28, 2013

I Survived My Birthday (and More)

I think I've turned a metaphorical corner. I realized this weekend — my birthday weekend — that as much as I value having fun, I now, as a mom, value efficiency and productivity and an organized house even more. Oh, and getting to bed early. I value getting to bed early. I guess it's fitting; I'm officially old now.

Okay, old-er. And I did have a lot of fun on my birthday (thanks, friends, for taking me out and even corralling our little group to a hip hipstery bar, where luckily I was not turned away at the door by the rule-abiding bouncer even though my license was about to expire in 45 minutes. You have to renew those things? Say what?) But after a *fun* weekend where your little one is sick and refusing to eat, and you're worn out from going to said bar when you are clearly no longer cut out for barring, and you've stayed up so late that you're past the point of tired and so you stay up even later reading Beautiful Creatures on your Kindle, by the next morning you are ready to get your healthy, boring productive on. So that's what I did. I even printed out the form to apply for a new license. Which should arrive in 3-6 weeks.

Hope your Mondays are going swimmingly, and that they're super productive. I just wrote a blog post. So... check!

Oh, and thanks for all the birthday wishes. They made a girl feel remembered.



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