Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sick Days

Wee One has been sick (nothing too out of the ordinary, thankfully) these past few days, and because Ethan's had a couple of evening commitments — and because I couldn't send him (the baby, not Ethan) to his nanny share because I didn't want him to suck on some other baby's Elmo toy, inadvertently starting the sick cycle all over again  — we've had a couple of solid days of mom/kid time that, as hard as it's been, I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. Not even the chance to meet JK Rowling RIGHT NOW. Not even. Seriously.

Little ones, though snot-crusted and sometimes even downright fussled when they're sick, can be cuter than ever because they need you so damn much. Last night, as Leo was curled up in my lap, pajama-clad and all cozied up in his fleece sleep sack, and he just calmly lay there looking up at me, with a serene little smile on his face, and he wasn't flailing or trying to grab a book or the power cord to the sound machine or the baby powder or something else really bad (but not really that bad) that I shouldn't let him grab, my first thought was: is he okay? I promptly felt his forehead, assuming that he probably had a fever because why was he acting so calm?!, then took his temp and saw that it was only slightly elevated. Reassured, I gave him a couple of extra besos before depositing him in his crib, handing him his favorite book to read (he reads in the dark. It's weird. I don't know how he does it) and turning off the light. I walked out of the room feeling exhausted but happy: that we'd survived the day, that he was okay, that I was okay, and that we'd gotten a couple of extra "off the grid" hours together. I'm not one of those moms who's all "carpe diem enjoy it while it lasts THEY WILL BE EIGHTEEN BEFORE YOU KNOW IT" because I think that's like, patently absurd, but I will definitely remember days like yesterday, 'cause, well, they're just the best.

PHOTO CAPTION: Love the yellow-gray combo. / Love that sign but wouldn't drink that juice in a gazillion years — it might as well say "germ-infested haven for bacteria; tastes like cherry." / Curls. / Geek pillow.



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