Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Teeniest, Tiniest Furniture

I am kinda-a-little obsessed with Lena Dunham. If you've followed everything I've ever written (which of course you have*), you'll note that I've rambled here about her indie film Tiny Furniture — the one that was critically-acclaimed and led to her opportunity to write, star in and executive produce her hit HBO series Girls — and here and here about Girls itself. Read all of those NOW or never come back here. (Kidding. Please come back here).

I could go on for twenty years about her and how she's witty and super smart-sounding in interviews and how she's for realz and all that stuff everybody's already saying, but I won't; I'll just say she's a lovely, mega-talented lady who sounds like a mega-genuine human being, and she's totally badass and brave to boot.

Speaking of being brave, I am not even like, a quarter as bold in my own thoughts as Lena is in front of the entire planet (or at least the HBO-watching planet), which is why as much as I reveal a lot of vulnerabilities on this blog (I let my baby play with trash; I'm a bad cook; I have an alien pooch stomach), I still rarely post pictures of myself because the truth is, I usually look like a not-hot, unshowered mess — or maybe I should say that I THINK I LOOK LIKE A NOT-HOT, UNSHOWERED MESS. But in the spirit of Lena and Girls, I am going to try to post more photos of myself on Mommyproof. Starting today. See above photo. Now go back to whatever you were doing.**

(One more thing. Have you purchased a play kitchen for your little one? Like, some actual "tiny furniture"? Any recommendations? I hear this is actually an un-dumb toy with longevity, since kids will play with it from age one to six (unlike that stupid singing panda bear you wanted to throw out the window after two point seven weeks).

*add a "not" right there. Yup.

**I haven't seen Episode One of the new season of Girls because I am currently HBO-less, so I am pathetically behind the times, but I hear it ends with a braver-than-brave body shot, so she has again proven herself more courageous than everyone else. Hats (and everything else) off to you, Miss Dunham.


  1. Ha, thanks Andrea. Photo taken in the extraordinarily glamorous Starbucks bathroom.

  2. Your hair remains amazingly fantastic. I agree, more photos! I think as moms we are always behind, never in front of, the camera. I have to force Dave to take pictures with me in them so my boys realize he was not the only one around during their childhood. Also, love the toy kitchen idea, that's on my list of things to buy (hopefully) at this season's consignment sales.

  3. Oh, Autumn, you're too kind! There was a Huff Po piece about that recently -- so, so true. I need to get Ethan to take more pics of me and Leo, I have about 80 thousand of the two "boys" together....
