Saturday, January 5, 2013

Is This 40?

What are your Saturday evening plans? Ethan and I tried pretty hard (okay, not that hard but a teeny bit hard-ish) to find a babysitter for tonight so we could go see Les Miserables at the movies since I'm a musical geek and Ethan loves singing villagers, but alas, Urban Sitter failed us. Instead of going out, we're going to attempt to make some chicken and kale dish we found that actually doesn't sound all that tasty but perhaps will surprise us and then we'll love it and have to eat kale all the time. We're also going to watch one of the WGA screeners I got in the mail — I'm voting for This is 40, but there's a good chance we'll decide to go with Lincoln so we can tell people we saw something edifying.

Have a great night!


PHOTO CAPTION: Some of my favorite images from 2012. (Fine, the cupcake one is my favorite because it makes me drool. The others are just okay).


  1. Can I tell you how jealous I am of your WGA screeners?!? Way better than netflix! No similar benefits from my boring bar associations. Dave and I saw Django Unchained this weekend while my mom babysat. Whoa.

  2. Autumn -- it definitely is the one perk of being a lifetime WGA member. The cool thing is that even if you haven't worked (in a WGA-affiliated way) in years or you are like, living on a commune in Alaska without a computer, as long as you pay your dues, you still get the screeners! We actually forwarded our mail because we're living in a temporary place, but we couldn't forward UPS/Fed Ex packages and I actually had a moment of, "OH NO, THE SCREENERS!" which is ridiculous because I barely have time to WATCH said screeners (and I definitely don't have time to worry about them). But luckily, my lovely husband has a bit of an obsession with tracking packages and he even intercepted a few and told them to hold them at UPS. So I picked them up. Ha! Thanks, Ethan :)
