Saturday, January 5, 2013

Studies Show: Binge Sugar Habits Good for Kids

Okay, I have no idea what studies show. But I'd love to see a study that said children at Harvard or Stanford or Japan or wherever ate freakloads of candy and did better on standardized tests.

On a totally unrelated note, I feel a little bit like I gave my baby a bad rap when I recently said he bit me. He just has super sharp teeth and sometimes gives besos (kisses) a little too aggressively. He really is the sweetest little guy with the bestest of intentions. Don't hate on him, okay?

And, finally, something to make you smile as you head into the weekend: the other night, I was so exhausted after returning home from LA (and surviving two 7.5-hour car rides) that I literally leapt into bed... only to completely miscalculate the position of, well, the bed, and fall off the edge onto the cold, hard floor. I'm lucky I didn't hit my head, but I guess I totally deserve the bruise on my leg and the sore shoulder, since I obviously never passed going-to-bed-101, where you learn how not to fall off.

Happy weekends!


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