Friday, December 14, 2012

A Letter to your Congressman: Let's Make it Stop

Today's tragedy is unimaginable and unspeakable. We want -- I want -- you want, we all want TO MAKE IT STOP. Here's one (small) thing you and I can do: send this letter to your Congressman (thank you to Gale for sharing this with me in the first place). Please feel free to copy and paste it and use it to contact your own representative. You can find your rep’s website and contact form here:

I hope we can all find a middle ground in which semi-automatic weapons are not a threat to our kids -- any of our kids. We also need to help people get affordable or free psychiatric help, but I don't have a letter for that. I don't know what I can do on that front, but I'd like to find out.

In the meantime, maybe this letter won't do anything, but maybe it will. It's worth trying. 

Dear Mr/Ms. _______,

I am not unique. And that is exactly why I am important.

I am one of millions of American parents who want stricter gun laws. I want my children to be able to go to movies, and shop for clothes and books, and attend school without the risk of being mowed down by semi-automatic gunfire. I want to kiss them goodbye in the morning without fearing it will be for the last time. I want to raise them in a society that protects their rights more fiercely than the rights of those who might harm them.

There is no excuse for this kind of carnage. I am heartbroken, but I am also ashamed. And until our government can fix this hideous and inexcusable crisis, we should all carry our shame with our grief.

I beg of you to work with your fellow Congressmen and Congresswomen to take up the mantle of gun control, and not rest until it is resolved.

Very sincerely,

Rebecca K.

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