Monday, December 31, 2012

Long (and by long I mean VERY LONG) Day's Journey

We took Leo on a road trip yesterday that lasted seven and a half hours. It was either brave or completely and totally inadvisable: depends on whether you want to high five us or just point out that we're idiots. Your call.

Miraculously, the trip went fairly well, though Ethan and I treated every second like we were about to step onto enemy lines, and at one crucial leg of the journey, I drove 100 miles straight with the concentration of a fighter pilot while Baby slept in the back, his special Land of Nod CD set at exactly the appropriate level to provide the ultimate soothing white noise to keep him in dreamland for as long as physically possible. Ethan sneezed and we almost lost it.

Things only get really, really bad the last twenty minutes, when all our poor baby wanted was to GET THE HELL OUT OF THAT FREAKING CAR SEAT, and we were so close to our destination that stopping would have felt like torture (admittedly, the screaming was also torture. I'd really like to never think about it again, thanks).

We're quite happy to have arrived safely at our destination, but please don't ask us how we plan to get back home.

Hope you're all having wonderful and road trip-free New Years!



  1. 11 hours on a plane- I hear you. When are you going back so I can pray for you :)

  2. Today!! Wish us luck. 11 hours on a plane = madness. I hope it went alright!!
