Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Child Won't Eat His Dinner... Unless He's Fishing It Out of the Trash

The holidays really crept up on me this year (as they always do, I guess) and I'm really enjoying all the good cheer and signature red Starbucks cups and, mostly, everyone slowing down a little bit (read: everyone except our children, who are even more hyped up on sugar than normal— even my one-year-old, who doesn't even know what sugar is. I think he's getting high via osmosis since everyone around him is cracked out on cookies and Trader Joe's chocolate peppermint taffy (that's a thing).)

This has nothing to do with the holidays, but this blog totally makes me smile, and it's mildly-offensive-slash-going-to-make-you-piss-your-pants, but sometimes we all need a little of that, no? (Especially now). Also, this Toyota Sienna ad (thanks, Victoria, for sending it to me just now!) will kind of make you actually WANT a minivan.

What are your holiday plans? Are you making reindeer cookies as we speak? (Is your child choking on an age-inappropriate reindeer cookie as we speak?*)

*My child is not eating reindeer cookies. I SWEAR! Really. Like, really really.

PHOTO CAPTION: Leo sweeping. Could this be the start of a beautiful tradition?

PHOTO CAPTION 2: Leo has his coat on inside the house because Mommy couldn't get the zipper undone and gave up. (It seemed to be caught in the side). Why is it 2012, and yet no brilliant scientist has solved the "caught in the side" problem? I want to know.

PHOTO CAPTION 3 which refers back to the title of this post: Leo wouldn't eat the yogurt earlier, but now that he's fished it from the trash he seems to want it. Is this normal? (If it's not, please don't tell me).

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