Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Piano Baby

Leo learned how to play the piano the other night, and I have already decided to make him practice "The Little White Donkey" for 17 hours straight without access to his sippy cup until he gets the synchronized hand movements right. (Kidding. Obviously. I don't think I could ever come close to being a tiger mom — today, I practically shoved my smoothie and my mom's Starbucks at him before he even showed signs of wanting them. And I let him come into the bathroom while I took a shower. AND I bought him a pony). In all seriousness: Leo loved the piano. He has a tiny little one that was near his crib in his room before we moved, and he could reach two of the keys through the slats. In the middle of the night, we would hear "tinkling" that Ethan dubbed "so melodic" until the fifth night of it, when we scooted the mini piano out of fingers' reach. "Melodic" had turned into "cute but incredibly grating."

Hope you're all enjoying safe, warm, happy holidays and that your kid learned cello, French horn, or at least violin while you were away.


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