Tuesday, December 25, 2012

All I Want for Christmas is for You to Take a Nap

My 15-month-old decided to stage about 13 nap protests this past week, while we've been traveling, and between the time change, a slight cold/cough, the fact that he has made it quite clear he'd like to switch to one nap from two, and his "revelation" that we've been sharing a room with him, it's been — how shall I put this? — slightly like getting a wild bear cub to fall asleep next to a tiny kitten and not eat it.

I'm tired. Ethan's tired. Poor, poor Leo has been very tired. Earlier today, I found myself at Walgreens, on Christmas, unshowered and at the end of my rope, trying to convince a well-meaning pharmacist to help me come up with an over-the-counter medicine to stop my baby's cough so he would sleep, dammit! (No such luck. Said pharmacist offered me nothing useful whatsoever because he didn't want to get sued. Thanks a lot, well-meaning pharmacist).

Mercifully, Leo took an hour and forty-five minute nap later in the afternoon, and his mood visibly improved. And, because sleep begets sleep (didn't you hear that a million times in books and on get-your-baby-to-go-to-sleep websites and from all-knowing septuagenarians when your baby was a newborn?) he even went to bed tonight, knowing there was a full room of raucous adults enjoying cookies just steps from him, without protest. A great Christmas present, indeed.

How is your child's napping schedule these days? Is it consistent? Is it cruel and just completely unfair? Or should it make me very, very jealous?

PHOTO CAPTION: Leo's new favorite gift — a "Lil Texan" sippy cup. Genius.



  1. We're dealing with the same thing re: naps (not the cold though for once!). They only get one at day care during the week but usually take two on the weekend. Not this week. And since the boys have been home with us and are actually well rested instead of exhausted from day care, they've been waking up earlier! Not fair!

  2. Oh no -- sounds like we aren't the only ones... this is a difficult age, I think! I just want it to be consistent, and then I'll be happy!
